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CBA releases final report on how to achieve equal justice; lauds pro bono as vital element

On December 17, the Canadian Bar Association's Access to Justice Committee released a 172-page report entitled, Reaching Equal Justice Report: An invitation to Envision and Act.

The Report outlines 31 targets for achieving equal access to justice in Canada by 2030, and identifies various forms of action that Canadian justice system stakeholders should take in pursuit of that goal.

Noting that a previously released summary of the Report does not explicitly identify increased engagement in pro bono legal services as a helpful form of action for achieving equal access to justice, Access Pro Bono Executive Director Jamie Maclaren penned an online opinion piece entitled, "Increasing Access to Justice Is Not a Zero-Sum Game".

Concurrent to the release of the full Report, the CBA's Access to Justice Committee released a thoughtful statement saying that pro bono legal service is indeed one of many solutions to improving access to justice, and that the CBA has previously called on each member of the legal profession to contribute 50 hours or three percent of billings per year on a pro bono basis.