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APB Director and BLG partner Angus M. Gunn earns QC designation

Angus M. Gunn Jr.-- a litigation partner at Borden Ladner Gervais LLP and a volunteer Director and Program Coordinator for Access Pro Bono-- was one of thirty lawyers designated as Queen's counsel today by British Columbia's Cabinet through order-in-council.

Per a Ministry of Justice News Release: "The Queen's counsel designation is an honour conferred annually on members of the legal profession to recognize exceptional merit and contribution. The successful candidates demonstrate professional integrity and good character and have been a member of the British Columbia bar for at least five years."

In addition to his many other professional and volunteer duties at APB, Angus takes on several pro bono cases each year. His dedication to promoting access to justice earned him the Canadian Bar Association - BC Branch's Harry Rankin QC Award in 2008. He was a Finalist for the 2012 International Bar Association Pro Bono Award, and a two-time winner of the UBC Law Adam S. Albright Award for Outstanding Teaching by an Adjunct Professor.

APB congratulates Angus on this most well-deserved honour.