Other Volunteer Opportunities

We offer a variety of office-based and “field work” volunteer opportunities for post-secondary students and others. We ask most of our sign-ups to volunteer for 2 to 3 hours per week, over 6 months or more. If you volunteer for a Summary Advice Program clinic, your schedule will be very specific, but most of our volunteer positions have no set schedules.

We generally expect our volunteers to be 18 or older.

Volunteer for an Office or Field Support Role

Administrative Volunteers

Administrative volunteers are the heart and soul of APB. They perform many important tasks, including: typing and correcting documents, liasing with social agencies and volunteer lawyers, and booking or referring clients. Our administrative volunteers tend to work during office hours from Monday to Friday.


Client Call Volunteers

We have a large roster of volunteers who are responsible for client triage. Our Client Call Volunteers are up to date on everything that APB does, and they answer clients’ questions, refer clients to other service organizations, and book clients into our legal advice clinics.


Clinic Assistants

We rely on volunteers to attend our legal advice clinics and assist our volunteer lawyers and/or clients as needed. Our Clinic Assistants confirm client bookings and send client information to our volunteer lawyers. Most of our clinics run during office hours from Monday to Friday.


Community Workers

We are always seeking volunteers for our Employment Standards Program, Residential Tenancy Program and Mental Health Program. Volunteers will ideally have an interest in mental health or social work, and will support volunteer lawyers and law students.


Research & Development Volunteers

We also seek volunteers to help us carry out researches so in turn we can apply evidence-based practice to optimize pro bono outcomes.