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Law Society of BC defines "pro bono"; seeks to promote more pro bono engagement

The Law Society of British Columbia recently amended Rule 1 [Definitions] of the Law Society Rules to include the following definition of "pro bono legal services": the practice of law not performed for or in the expectation of a fee, gain or reward.

In its 2012 Mid-Year Report, the Benchers' Access to Legal Services Advisory Committee also made it a priority in 2012 to foster greater participation in pro bono activities where needs are great. The new priority is pursuant to Initiative 2-1(a) of the Law Society's Strategic Plan which states: "Consider ways to improve the affordability of legal services: identify and consider new initiatives for improved access to legal services."

The Committee will specifically consider how it may encourage more pro bono work in conjunction with present and prospective Justice Access Centres operated by the provincial Ministry of Justice.