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Vancouver law firm Hunter Litigation Chambers wins Canadian Pro Bono Award

The Vancouver law firm of Hunter Litigation Chambers will be awarded the 2012 Canadian Pro Bono Award for a Regional Firm at the 4th National Pro Bono Conference in Montreal.

Since its formation in 2006, many Hunter Litigation Chambers lawyers have consistently represented pro bono clients through Access Pro Bono and other organizations. Brent Olthuis, Greg Allen, Mark Oulton, Gib van Ert and Claire Hunter have been particularly active in APB's Court of Appeal Program, Judicial Review Program and Civil Chambers Program. Together, they have represented many indigent clients and have developed important jurisprudence for the advancement of marginalized individuals.

In honour of Hunter Litigation Chambers' exemplary pro bono efforts, former United Nations Deputy Secretary General Louise Fréchette will present the Award to Claire Hunter at the Conference Banquet and Awards Ceremony on November 1, 2012.