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APB News

APB seeks lawyers' referrals to commercial litigation "low bono" project

APB is pleased to announce the public launch of the Commercial Trial Assistance Project (CTAP).

CTAP is a pilot project that matches large law firm associates in search of commercial trial experience with unrepresented commercial litigants in need of trial support before the BC Supreme Court. All services offered under CTAP are at a significantly reduced, flat-rate fee. This exciting "low bono" project compliments existing pro bono services by providing access to the commercial courts at more affordable rates.

Over the past 16 months, a group of Vancouver litigators, Mr. Justice McEwan of the BC Supreme Court and Jamie Maclaren of APB met to discuss and create CTAP. The pilot seeks to tackle two serious problems: (i) dwindling opportunities for junior lawyers to obtain valuable trial experience, and (ii) the many difficulties that unrepresented commercial litigants encounter as they try to manage complicated commercial trials on their own.

CTAP has received a strong endorsement from the BC Supreme Court. A number of Supreme Court judges have agreed to participate in the pilot by providing an information handout to unrepresented commercial litigants who appear to meet CTAP's eligibility criteria.

CTAP is now looking for lawyers' referrals and self-referrals of unrepresented commercial litigants who are within four to eight months of proceeding to trial under the Fast Track Litigation Rule (Rule 15-1) in BC Supreme Court. APB will provide qualifying litigants with some initial free legal advice and a review of their case to ensure that only legitimate commercial disputes with a significant likelihood of proceeding to trial are served.

If you are aware of an unrepresented commercial litigant who may benefit from this service, please complete and send a CTAP Referral Form to, or encourage the litigant to call the CTAP Line at 604-424-9600.

If you would like more information about CTAP, please contact Jamie Maclaren at APB or Morgan Camley at McCarthy Tétrault.