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BC Minister of Justice releases second part of justice reform plan

This morning, British Columbia Minister of Justice and Attorney General Shirley Bond released the second part of her government's justice reform plan, entitled the White Paper on Justice Reform, Part Two: A Timely, Balanced Justice System.

According to a Ministry of Justice news release, Part Two builds on the government vision outlined in Part One: A Modern, Transparent Justice System: "It commits government to a 7-point justice reform plan and, in conjunction with Part One, is a road map for how we will reform and modernize the justice system. Part One focused on system governance, business intelligence, and enhanced decision making to ensure a transparent system that is capable of reform. Part Two presents our plan for reforms to front-line services and internal process to make the system more timely and balanced."

The White Paper follows on recommendations made in a number of government-commissioned reports including, A Criminal Justice System for the 21st Century by Geoffrey Cowper, Q.C., the British Columbia Charge Assessment Review by Gary McCuaig, Q.C., Making Justice Work: Improving Access and Outcomes for British Columbians by the Legal Services Society, and Forsaken: The Report of the Missing Women Commission of Inquiry by Commissioner Wally Oppal, Q.C.

The Ministry of Justice invites public comments to .