APB News

Vancouver lawyer Jeremy Shragge wins 2014 Allan Parker QC Award for Representation Services

Each year, APB awards the Allan Parker QC Award for Representation Services to a volunteer lawyer who showed remarkable commitment to representing individuals or non-profit organizations of limited means in the previous year. On Thursday, April 16 at its 10th Annual Pro Bono Appreciation Breakfast, APB gave the 2014 Allan Parker QC Award to Jeremy Shragge of Harper Grey LLP.

Jeremy has been involved with APB's Civil Chambers Program and Roster Program since 2012. Last year, he took on more Civil Chambers Program clients than anyone else. He also took on several Roster Program cases where his creative approach to advocacy served his clients very well.

In one example, Jeremy represented a single mother who fled an abusive relationship and was staying at a women’s shelter when she approached APB for legal help. She faced a $40,000 clawback of her Income Assistance benefits due to a series of clerical errors. Jeremy eschewed the conventional judicial review route, and instead filed a civil claim in estoppel against the government. His argument was successful and his client was able to get back on her feet without the burden of an unpayable debt.

Jeremy repeatedly stepped up to represent APB's clients when no one else would. His strong pro bono ethic is an inspiration to the legal profession in BC, and APB is privileged as an organization to have his support.